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Read about the life and work of the Initiates and the great Masters
Read about the life and work of the Initiates and the great Masters
accepting it as true helps us understand divine justice
an application of the law of cause and effect
an application of the law of cause and effect
every mistake must be mended on Earth
family relationships from a past life
voyage of souls is like that of water
between human beings and the forces of nature
how to influence them so that they do not hinder our spiritual evolution
increasing these moments so as to remain active without tiring
a science based on the knowledge of human beings
if it does not evolve harmoniously it will be forced to do so by destruction
is first and foremost found in life
is no longer necessary when love reigns
it has not succeeded in developing our spiritual centres
its foundation: to serve God in ourselves
its foundation: to serve God in ourselves
must be based on an understanding of man
must hold account of the evolution of mentalities
must take all human activities into account
all remind man of his divine origin
mission is to lead human beings back to their celestial home
must abandon their narrow framework. Example of Jesus
is only useful to the extent that you decide to mend your ways
its negative effects; recalling instead moments of light and joy
creating a void within that can be filled with divine virtues
denying oneself so as to become richer
emptying oneself of one’s harmful habits
introducing something better as a replacement
its purpose is to obtain something better
transposing an activity onto a higher plane
transposing pleasure onto a higher plane
true Renunciation : get rid of everything which obscures our inner gaze
burdens that can strengthen us
do not choose the easy way out
prepare the very young to assume them
the conditions for carrying them out properly
the danger of wanting to shirk them before having fulfilled the duties they impose upon us
Responsibilities towards the earth, our
we can only fulfil them properly by first attuning ourselves with heaven
analogy of a seed and a human being
from the inner tombs in humans
starts with work on life within us
being aware of all those God has given us
by seeking the soul and spirit of others, you will find true riches
obtain them by nourishing yourself with light
one day, our inner and outer riches will match
that we share will one day come back to us
we only truly possess those we are capable of giving
whether material or spiritual, we must let others benefit from them if we want to keep them