Daily Meditation: Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Life - we must purify and strengthen it so that it flows within us
You can give a corpse all the medicine you want, but it will not rise up again because it has lost its life. Yes, even the most potent drugs will be of no use if life has gone. It is life that matters. This is why we must take care of life: we must purify and strengthen it so that it flows freely throughout our whole being. Medicine can be of great use as long as life flows through you. But if your various bodily functions become sluggish, medicine will be of no help: on the contrary, it will only obstruct all your inner circuits. So many people imagine they can live any way they want. If they fall sick, all they will have to do is take medication. Well, no, these remedies will not really be effective unless you live sensibly, nurturing the life force within.*
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov